Vision Bermuda


Vision Bermuda advocates for the rights of people with low and no vision in our community.  We work with individuals to champion for progress in educational, employment and community settings when asked by our clients and when appropriate.  


Vision Bermuda has researched and worked to develop a tactile audio system that allows vision impaired individuals to accurately vote in private and is calling upon the Bermuda Government to make the necessary legislative amendments to empower people with vision impairments the right to a secret and private ballot when voting.  


Vision Bermuda advocates to improve Bermuda’s public transportation system for people with vision impairment.  Recently, a member advocated to have signage posted that guarantees people with physical disabilities a seat.   

What's Happening at Beacon House?

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Contact Information

Beacon House, 3 Beacon Street, Hamilton, HM10
Office: (441) 292-3231

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri: 10.00am - 4.00pm

Serving Bermuda's blind and vision impaired community since 1957


Privacy Policy

Bermuda registered charity #90