Vision Bermuda is governed by The Bermuda Society for the Blind Consolidation and Amendment Act (2018), which amended the original 1957, Bermuda Society for the Blind Act.
In 2009, the Society’s membership adopted Bye-laws to further provide governance guidelines for the board of directors and membership of the charity. These Bye-laws have been subsequently amended when required by the membership.
Vision Bermuda is a registered charity and is in full compliance with the Charities Act 2014.
Vision Bermuda’s Privacy Policy can be reviewed here.
Vision Bermuda has adopted a Vulnerable Persons Policy and annually appoints a Protection Officer and Deputy Protection Officer to ensure compliance with the Charities Act (2014) Vulnerable Persons Policy, the Child Protection Act (1998) and the Seniors Protection Act (2008).
Vision Bermuda also has policies in effect regarding conflicts of interest, confidentiality of client and donor information, and other policies that promote a well governed charity.
Vision Bermuda has adopted a policy regarding Anti-Money Laundering and annually appoints a Compliance Officer to ensure compliance with the Charities Act (2014) requirements and other government requirements to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. A Compliance Officer is appointed annually. Additionally, the charity is audited annually by Gro.
Vision Bermuda Audited Financial Statements 2019
Vision Bermuda Audited Financial Statements 2020
Vision Bermuda Audited Financial Statements 2021
Vision Bermuda Audited Financial Statements 2022